Improves the mechanical abrasion on no-water enzyme treatments along with Asucel G Stone.

An aggressive stone-wash look can be achieved without pumice stone.

Reduces processing time

Provides an excellent abrasive/old-look effect.

Improves Anti back-staining properties.

Provides an excellent cleaning on pockets and weft.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin semper quam ut urna eleifend condimentum. Nullam dignissim odio at eros ultricies, ut pellentesque metus semper. Maecenas ultrices, ex nec ultricies eleifend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin semper quam ut urna eleifend condimentum. Nullam dignissim odio at eros ultricies, ut pellentesque metus semper. Maecenas ultrices, ex nec ultricies eleifend


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consequat sagittis porta. Nulla volutpat, turpis vel feugiat aliquam, magna mi cursus libero,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consequat sagittis porta. Nulla volutpat, turpis vel feugiat aliquam, magna mi cursus libero

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consequat sagittis porta. Nulla volutpat, turpis vel feugiat aliquam, magna mi cursus libero,


Pol. Ind Riera de Caldes Av. Camí Reial, 13-15 08184 Palau-solita i Plegamans Barcelona (Spain)


Textile finishing is the last work cycle carried out on fabrics before they are sold and it is intended to convey a touch or an aspect other than the original one, usually aesthetically more attractive or functional.

According to the end use of the fabric, such as clothing, furnishing, automotive, etc., it is necessary to convey well-defined features, often in compliance with well-defined national and/or worldwide standards.

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ASUCEL G STONE provides outstanding performance of worn-out denim without a single drop of water.

ASUCEL G STONE doesn’t require high or medium temperatures: the treatment is carried out in regular machinery with the same process as regular enzymes.

ASUCEL G STONE provides great anti-back-staining results on denim goods and a better biopolishing effect than conventional stone washing, thanks to its special polyhedral
ASUCEL G STONE provides outstanding performance of worn-out denim without a single drop of water.

ASUCEL G STONE doesn’t require high or medium temperatures: the treatment is carried out in regular machinery with the same process as regular enzymes.

ASUCEL G STONE provides great anti-back-staining results on denim goods and a better biopolishing effect than conventional stone washing, thanks to its special polyhedral